20 Oct SCF News – Potential Cure for Sickle Cell Anemia
Watch doctor explain cure for Sickle Cell Anemia and discover how a 95 million dollar project for Sickle Cell Anemia could be on your iPhone.
Misshapen sickle cells can get stuck in blood vessels, causing blood flow to slow down or even get blocked – along with oxygen — from parts of the body.
Potential Cure For Sickle Cell Anemia
A Potential Cure for Sickle Cell Anemia – Chicago Tonight | WTTW
Wed, 23 Sep 2015 19:57:11 GMT
Chicago Tonight | WTTWA Potential Cure for Sickle Cell AnemiaChicago Tonight | WTTWA promising new treatment for sickle cell anemia, developed by the National Institutes for Health and validated by a new study by the University of Illinois at Chicago …
Sickle Cell Clinic Shut Down
UMMC sickle cell clinic patients temporarily displaced – Jackson Clarion Ledger
Fri, 16 Oct 2015 21:55:41 GMT
Jackson Clarion LedgerUMMC sickle cell clinic patients temporarily displacedJackson Clarion LedgerSure enough, since the University of Mississippi Medical Center made the decision to temporarily close its sickle cell day clinic in August, patients ha …
$9.5 million sickle cell study Launches iPhone app
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles launches app for sickle cell disease study – iMedicalApps
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:35:23 GMT
iMedicalAppsChildren’s Hospital Los Angeles launches app for sickle cell disease studyiMedicalAppsChildren’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) just launched an iPhone app to supplement a large sickle cell study that is currently underway. Thomas Coates MD, …
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