29 Mar A New Sickle Cell Website Designed to Help You Decide What the Right Treatment Option is for You!
Sickle Options!
Make the right decisions for you!
There is a new website designed to help individuals and families impacted by Sickle Cell Disease pick the right treatment options that should help in the reduction of hospitalizations!
Here are a few words on how the site is designed to work from Research Coordinator, Diana Ross, MSN, RN at Emory University’s Hematology and Sickle Cell Disease Program:
“When you enter the website you may click on visit on the bottom left or register on the bottom right. If you register you can save any portion of the website to a portfolio to view later or print. This makes it easy to find information you want to discuss with your physician, you just pull it up on your smart phone in the doctor’s office. To access your portfolio you simply go to the black triangle with a plus sign in it on the top right of your screen. A black curtain will drop and you will see all items you saved. If you click on the item you want to discuss with your physician you will be taken to this information. You may also print from here.”
-Diana Ross, MSN, RN Research Coodinator Emory University
Please take some time to explore this website. A few of our very own local clients had a hand in contributing to the research study that led into the development of this tool!
If you happen to have any questions for Diana Ross, MSN, RN, you can reach her by email at diana.ross@emory.edu !
Thank you,
Sickle Cell Foundation, INC. Staff!!
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