SCF Picnic

Sickle Cell Foundation Picnic 6024 Old Bainbridge RD, Tallahassee, FL, United States

It's time for our annual picnic! Come let's have fun in the shade! Please Call the SCF office at (850) 222-2355 to RSVP, so we will know how much food to order.


Sickle Cell-A-Bration

Metropolitan Cathedral of Truth 1110 Rich Bay Road, Havana, FL, United States

Sickle Cell-A-Bration

Metropolitan Cathedral of Truth 1110 Rich Bay Road, Havana, FL, United States

Gospel Concert on the behalf of Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc.


Crescent Moon Gala

The Moon 1105 E Lafayette St, Tallahassee, FL, United States

Celebrity Host Laz Alonzo