03 May ATTENTION: Clinical Trials!!
Information about two Clinical Trials for individuals with Sickle Cell Disease
Below is information about two available Clinical Trials currently enrolling participants. If you are interested, please contact the programs using the information below each photo.
Remember, Clinical Trials play a vital role in the fight for new advancements in Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait. Wide range participation is very important!
Visit ClinicalTrials.gov for other opportunities to participate in Clinical Trials relevant to you. Some clinical trials offer financial compensation and cover travel expenses so do not let location be a barrier!

PAGE 1 Advanced Pharma (305) 220-2727 2950 NW 83rd Street Miami, FL 33147 www.advancedpharmacr.com

PAGE 2 Advanced Pharma (305) 220-2727 2950 NW 83rd Street Miami, FL 33147 www.advancedpharmacr.com

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 833-SCD-CALL or 833-723-2255 Visit: www.sicklecellpaincrisis.com ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier: NCT03264989)
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