26 May SCF NEWS: A Simpler Approach to Treating Sickle Cell Disease
This article was discovered by Dr. Helena Barrington and she had the following to say on the subject.
” A second article on the positive effects of L-Glutamine on patients with
sickle cell disease… I’ve read nothing but good news from the many
articles out there. And personally, I am taking OTC L-Glutamine, 1000 mg
daily and beginning to see small, but noticeable improvements in my focus,
sustained energy — not a lot, but important enough to me to keep going with
it! I’ll keep you posted.”
Dr. Niihara
Dr. Niihara is the principal inventor of the patented L-glutamine therapy for the treatment of sickle cell disease.
In Dr. Niihara’s studies, he found L-glutamine treatment reduces the tendency of sickle cells to become sticky and block small blood vessels. This is important because much of the suffering endured by sickle cell patients is due to the fact that the sickle-shaped red blood cells tend to adhere to the cells that line capillaries and block them. These blockages cause all the problems, including painful crises and organ failures associated with the disease.
Patients receiving L-glutamine in the Phase II clinical trials, which were completed in 2008, experienced fewer painful sickle cell crises and had a lower rate of hospitalization.
To read the complete article click here
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